The highest qualities (9 and 10) are significantly more powerful than the lower qualities (1 through 8). The quality of a mod ranges from 1 to 10.Technically, removing all heroes other than the Lavamancer from your party would give you the best chances, but doing so only increases your chances by less than a tenth of a percent. If you wanted to obtain a mod specific to a hero such as Embermount Flames for the Lavamancer, putting the Lavamancer in your party is sufficient.The Barbarian and the Gunwitch will add all Hero-specific mods to the drop table. Hero-specific mods are added to the drop table if the Hero the mod is for is present as one of the 4 Heroes in your party.Certain items have locked mods that cannot be tinkered, though they can be rerolled.Weapon and Armor mods have the "Chip" suffix whereas Relic mods have the "Servo" suffix.Legendary item drops come with 2 mods, Mythical and Epic item drops come with 1 mod, and all lower rarity drops come with no mods.Legendary items have 3 mod slots, Mythical items have 2 mod slots, Epic and Powerful items have 1 mod slot, and Sturdy and Worn items have no mod slots.The strength of a mod is determined by its two properties - quality and Chaos level.